571-477-2780 [email protected]

National Marine Corps League Auxiliary



National Convention 2025,  Grapevine, Texas

Mid – Winter Conference 2025

Message from Our National President:


Happy Fall, Y’all

I don’t know about you, but I am so engrossed in the reading of the Proceedings from National Convention in Rancho Mirage, California. They have been emailed to the Board of Trustees, Past National Presidents, Division Vice Presidents and Assistants, and Department and Unit Presidents. The Bylaws and Administrative Procedure changes that the membership voted for have been approved, and our outgoing Judge Advocate Darlene MacCubbin is making sure all the changes get made and new Judge Advocate Lynn Cortright is doing the double-check. We depend on each other to make sure our information is correct so you, our members, have the information you need to be successful.

Department and Unit Presidents, please share this information with your membership. As attendees, it is our responsibility to read the proceedings carefully to check for errors, omissions or corrections. We all make mistakes, and we trust in each other to help us with corrections. Please ensure you send any corrections to your Division Vice President who will then bring them up at the Mid-Winter Staff Conference. We want to make sure everyone’s name is spelled correctly, and kudos are given to the correct person.

Also, remember to work on your turnover file – information that should be shared with your successor if you are leaving an office or changing positions. Each officer should have something for the new person that tells them what is required, such as any forms that need to be completed and where to send them, as well as how to complete them. If you are a new person and there is no turnover file, sit down with your predecessor and work on one together – it is much easier to get your questions answered before you feel like you are behind.

Very soon, Headquarters will begin mailing out Life Member Distribution checks to units and departments. Per the National Bylaws 645 (B) Life Member dues interest shall be distributed 1/3 to the unit, 1/3 to the department and 1/3 stays at National. It is vital that you make sure you have touched base with all the life members on your rolls and notify Headquarters if they have passed away. If your Unit or Department would like to return the funds to National, you may simply mail the check back marked VOID and we will give you a hearty thank you! If you wish to cash the check, please DO SO IMMEDIATELY. It can cause big headaches if the checks are held onto after their stale date. Cancelling a check costs Headquarters money and then if the check is deposited afterwards, it can really throw a fly in the soup. We need a hearty stock to get us through the cold days.

Currently, I am preparing to head to Washington, D.C., and I look forward to representing the MCLA and attending the Veterans Day Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. It is such a moving ceremony, and I encourage everyone to attend, if your circumstances permit. I will also be heading to Headquarters to assist Ramona with transmittals and whatever else she needs. I look forward to helping her out at Headquarters to see all the transmittals that I am confident are on the way to her.


Dotty Sanning

[email protected]










We Are:

  • Patriotic – Preserving the traditions and promoting the interests “of the United States Marine Corps”, maintaining true allegiance to American institutions.
  • Historic Holding sacred the history and memory of the men and women who have given their lives to this Nation; perpetuating the history of the United States Marine Corps by observing the anniversaries of historical occasions of interest to the Corps.
  • FraternalCreating camaraderie between the Marine Corps League and Auxiliary; voluntarily aiding and assisting Marines and veterans as well as their families; decorating graves of deceased Marines whenever possible.
  • Educational Striving for passage of legislation favorable to the United States Marine Corps and the Marine Corps League and its personnel.
  • Eligibility
    • Regular Members Wives, Widows, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Daughters, Granddaughters, Stepmothers, Stepsisters, Daughters-in-Law, Aunts, Nieces, Mothers-in-Law, Sisters-in-Law of a (current or former) Marine or a US Navy FMF Corpsman or FMF Navy Chaplain, eligible to belong to the Marine Corps League, Inc., and Women Marines. Must be over 16 years of age.
    • Associate Members – Women not meeting the above requirements may join as associate members.  Must be over 16 years of age.

Check out Facebook!

Check out our Facebook page to see what’s going on with events.  As in most cases I am sure there will be plenty of discussion regarding the convention and many other things. You can also catch the info on the home page of site. Click the link below for the Facebook page.